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  • One of the most striking characteristics of the fitness boom is how little many people seem to know about the subject.
  • Predictably, beginners are the most ill informed, but sometimes even those who’ve been exercising for years have erroneous ideas about how exercise and their bodies work.

Here are some of the most common misconceptions:

Myth 1: I’ve been doing 100 sit ups and side bends a day for weeks. Why can’t I get ride of my spare tyre?
Because spot reduction is virtually impossible. When we utilise fat it come from a pool of lipids fatty substances – throughout the body, not from one specific location.

Myth 2: If lift weights, I’m going to become a heavily muscled body builder.
Don’t worry, you won’t – not unless you’re the one in a million with the genes of a body builder.

Myth 3: I don’t really need to lose weight. I just want to firm up and redistribute what I’ve got.
One can’t redistribute weight. We’re talking about two different elements-fat, and lean body mass, which include muscle, bone and internal organs. “ If you want to maintain your same basic weight, it’s a two part process: you need to lose fat while gaining lean body tissue. There’s simple no way fat can be ‘firmed up’ into muscle.”

Myth 4: I don’t want to start building muscle, because if I stop exercising my muscle will turn to fat.
Muscle can’t turn into fat. Fat can’t turn into muscle. “The reason many retired athletes often appear overweight is they don’t use their muscles as much as they did in competitive days. Thus their muscles get smaller. But they’re still eating about the amount they used to, so they gain fat.”

Myth 5: The harder I work, the faster I’ll burn off calories.
When it comes to conditioning your heart and burning calories, a slower steady pace is going to burn off more calories in the long run than are short bursts of exhaustive exercise. Eager to get in shape, the novice hops on a stationary bike, increases the tension and pedals away. A few minutes later he stops, grasping for breath, but proud because he gave his heart a real workout and burnt off plenty of calories. Or did he?

Myth 6: No pain, no gain.
This may be true if you are training for the Olympic team. But for the average person, pain is a warning, not a threshold that needs to be crossed to make progress.

Myth 7: If some exercise is good, more must be better.
Too much of good thin can have negative consequences. Over-training can be a problem, especially for beginners. The body needs time to rest and recover. In fact it’s during those periods of rest that the positive adaptations we seek from training (increased muscle mass, improved cardiovascular conditioning) actually take place.

Furthermore, exercise reaches a point of diminishing returns. "If you exercise three times a week you’re making gains. But if you exercise six times a week, your gain will not be twice as great.; they’ll be only slightly higher. You also increase the risk of injuries due to over-training. The answer is " Moderation".

Myth 8: It’s better to workout in the morning.
Only if you’re in the armed forces and you’re ordered to. Exercise whenever it’s most convenient. An exception could be during hot weather when early morning or late evening is better to avoid the hottest, most humid hours.

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